Anthony Rozanski Jr

Veterinary Assistant

Anthony is one of our dedicated veterinary assistants. He has been enthusiastically caring for animals in need for over five years in both a shelter and clinical environment. Always with a smile on his face, Anthony is ready to lend a helping hand. He keeps the staff happy with his excellent work ethic and good attitude. Feel free to ask him for assistance - he might even tell you a joke too!

Anthony is originally from up north, growing up in Michigan and the New England area, while finally moving with his family to Northern Virginia in 2005. Now he shares a home with his wife Christina and their 5 rescued animals, spending a lot of time in the backyard playing fetch with his dogs. He likes to dabble in nature photography, kayaking with his wife at Lake Frederick where they were married, and enjoys partying with Mario on the Nintendo Switch. He hopes to further enrich his skills in veterinary medicine and animal care, and looks forward to bringing joy and laughter to his team and your pets.